Friday, October 26, 2012


My daughter is my reason for learning to sew. I have lost count of the amount of time she has asked me about some expensive dress that I couldn't afford or just couldn't see myself paying that much for. I figured I'd buy a sewing machine and learn to sew. Then she wouldn't have to ask me if I'd buy her what we saw in the store; but if I'd make one for her. I have made this child things from headbands to boots and in between.

The problem is I have other children who are boys. They aren't necessarily jealous, but they wonder why she gets all the goodies. Needless to say, I started making things for them also. I'd make them appliqued shirts and cut freezer paper with the Cricut and let them paint until their hearts are content. I began posting their pictures online and folks would see it and want it.

That brought on a whole slew of customers. I was mainly making things for my children, mostly my daughter though. The boys were going to a school where they couldn't wear regular clothes. They had to wear uniform. The pictures up top is of my daugher, she ahs on a sweater turned cardigan. the sweater was pretty old. I cut it up the middle added some buttons to it, used some yarn to keep the top closed and voila a new sweater/cardigan. The stocking, I found at Lands End in there clearance for $1, the felt head band flower is just the cutest,we can not forget white t shirt and blue jean skirt = new outfit.

The picture on the left she has on a tank/dress that her older sister can't fit, stockings/tights (i never know which is which) with yellow and white cows, a black cardi, and a yellow black and white headband. This was in the very beginning stages of me making things for her. The only thing I created was the headband, everything else was something I found to match up with it.

Now just a few months later, I'm able to create a full outfit for a baby. Picture below is of a Personalized Appliqued boys outfit: pants, onesie, boots and hat.

The hat was made from a t shirt. I kept the bottom part so I don't have to sew it. The pant's were made from an existing pair of pants as my pattern. The boots were made using this tutorial from this person located here, Last but not least, the onesie applique was made using my cricut.

Shoes made by me with the tutorial and e pattern from I can't remember where I learned to make the tie. Once I do I will do an update. I love making stuff for both boys and girls. However since I don't have any tiny little boys, I opt out and make things for my daughter. I get requests to make this and that and I do.... I love babyshower and kid birthdays. I'm always a hit with my gift giving!

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